Friday, April 16, 2021

See You Next Tuesday!!!


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When you feel the urge to call a #Fakebook Snowflake friend a "CUNT," try to refrain and instead, tell them "See You Next Tuesday!"  

If they know the saying, they'll know what you said.  If they don't know the saying, refer them to this blog.  I need the clicks. :D

If you don't know the saying, imagine the phonetic acronym for "See You Next Tuesday" or -- C U N T. :P

This has been a Public Service Announcement (PSA) to try and keep you out of #Fakebook Jail.  Now, if only I can follow my own advice in the future.

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Fake Memes Made By Your Enemy To Make You Look Stupid -- Don't Fall For Them!!!

 Editorial By Leonard Lenny Vasbinder

April 10, 2021


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This started several years ago as social media became more prominent and so many people started getting their news (and so much fake news) from social media.  Every group from political parties to foreign countries creates "fake news" memes in hopes of ignorant victims spreading the memes because they believe the meme and it fits their narrative.

Here is one I saw on #Fakebook this morning.

I'm not sure if Frank J. McCall is a creator of fake memes or he just fell for one since it fit his beliefs narrative but there is no such story with these numbers on Fox News Channel and these are not the available numbers from the CDC either.  (P.S. - Adding "Real" to your social media name does not make you real. :P )

Yes, the flu is down the past year which is natural because kids weren't going to school, parents weren't going to work, etc. -- but it's not down that much.

The latest CDC numbers show that the estimated flu deaths for the 2020-2021 season are 92% of the 2019-2020 season for one type of pediatric flu -- but they still are working on estimated figures for the 2019-202 season and will not likely have final numbers for a while.  They aren't even attempting to put out estimates for 2020-2021.  From

Tuesday, April 06, 2021

April 6, 2021 - Allen, TX Brothers Mass Killing - FULL TEXT of Suicide Rant

Editorial by Leonard Lenny Vasbinder
April 06, 2021


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While the LSM, Instagram, Google Docs, and most likely, all of social media, will delete this information, I believe in Freedom Of The Press and showing the facts.

I report, you decide.

The "mass killing" that took place in Allen, Texas, by nutjob brothers who killed their family and then themselves is being reported on by many news agencies but most (if not all) of them are not showing the full documents.  

Here is the Instagram image from the main nutjobs page showing his family, followed by the multi-page rant explaining why he did it.  He even alludes to his brother knowing he was a nutjob and he simply lied about having mental issues in order to buy a gun.

EDIT - I will be working on transcribing the images since they are a little blurry.


Thursday, April 01, 2021

Vaccine Passport

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Yes, this is a parody. :P
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